Find the Best Mobile Apps for Organizing Your Team February 13 2017
With the constant growth of mobile technology, there is a seemingly never ending sea of apps available to help people increase productivity. These tools can be used to help you manage your work schedule, social schedule, and your home schedule with ease.In an attempt to streamline these different schedules through the use of a productivity app on your mobile phone or tablet, you are using the principles behind 5S and Lean management. After all, the purpose behind 5S is to make your workspace lean, clean, and operating at maximum capacity. Read on to find the best mobile apps you can use to keep your team connected.
1. Dragon Dictation is a voice transcription app available on iTunes. This app allows you to verbally speak your messages for e-mails, social media, and any other communication. With this tool, you have the ability to multi-task with much more efficiency.
2. Evernote is a communication tool used for teams, and it is especially useful for remote collaborations. Evernote also has capability for downloading onto your desktop, so you can coordinate via mobile and in the office. Sharing notes, PDFs, audio files, photos, to-do lists, and tasks has never been easier.
3. Wunderlist is a fantastic task management app available on iPhone, Android, Windows, Mac, Chromebook, and Amazon. This seamless coordination of your tasks from mobile to desktop allows you to always know what is on your to-do list without having to enter tasks manually on different platforms. You can share lists with others, as well. The “ding” of checking off a task from your to-do list will be one of the most satisfying things you hear all day.
4. Google Drive is one of the most important productivity suites you should have downloaded to your mobile phone or tablet. Everyone has a Google account for one reason or another – with Google being connected to everything from YouTube to calendars and email accounts. Google Drive allows you to collaborate with others on documents, presentations, and spreadsheets, which can be especially useful if you are working remotely.
5. OfficeTime is an app for every small business owner. The app allows you to record billable hours while you work, then generate invoices and reports based on the data collected from your billable hours. It even calculates other business fees, such as mailing rates and travel expenses. Because it is mobile, OfficeTime lets you take your business anywhere with you.
6. Dropbox is like having a flash drive on your iPhone. You can also share your Dropbox with others, making it a great collaboration tool. You can use Dropbox to share documents, photos, videos, and slide shows, as well as any other type of file. There are options for buying more space in your Dropbox, as well.
Using collaborative apps on your mobile device will give you and your team a level of productivity like you have never seen. What are some of the best mobile apps for team building that you’ve used?