Thought Leadership to Start 2017 With a Bang January 03 2017
As 2016 comes to a close, it is the time to seize your management strategy to streamline your business in 2017. Using the right thought leadership tips to bring your team closer together, making for smoother business, and happy customers to breathe fresh air into your organization.Here are 3 thought leadership tips to bring into your business in 2017!
1. Open the doors of communication for your employees. Not just for a boost in overall morale, it is required by OSHA that employees be given an open door policy for reaching out to management in the event that workers feel unsafe in their work environment. Take this a step further and just take the doors off the hinges altogether. If an employee needs your attention, whether it is related to their health and safety or another area in which they are unsatisfied, make sure you take the time to give them 100% of your focused attention. This will make a big difference to your team.
2. Go Lean. We’ve talked a lot about going Lean in your management style. Use 2017 as your year to streamline and work toward a goal of continuous improvement. Don’t worry about giving your whole business process an overhaul overnight; start small! Get your team involved, and ask them how tasks can be done more efficiently. Giving them their dues and acknowledging that your workers are the ones doing the day-to-day tasks will empower them with confidence and validate them in their position at your company.
3. Talk to your customers. Remember -- without your customers, you have no business. Take the time to reach out to your customers and ask them what they think of how you did in 2016. Are there any areas that you can improve? What are their favorite products and why? What should you leave behind in 2017 and why? What do they think of your customer service practices? Are they satisfied with your services? The only way you can truly grow is to seek these insights from your customers.
These 3 simple thought leadership tips are your keys to success in 2017. Best wishes!
Cheers to the new year! What are you doing to make your organization succeed in 2017? Comment here, or find us on Twitter @FloorTapeStore!