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6.8 mil (0.175mm) Polyester/vinyl striped reflective tape with Acrylic adhesive, wound on a 6.8 mil Polycoated white Kraft release liner. Meets Federal specifications LS-300C (Reflectivity 1, Class 1) and FP-85 (Type II). 3" neurtral paper core.
Colors: Black/Yellow and red/white diagonal stripes
- Specifications.... Service Life (5 -7 years)
- 180° Peel adhesion: 70 oz/in
- Tensile Strenght: 11 lbs/in. width
- Application Temperature: Above 32° F
- Temperature Resistance: -70° F - 160° F
- 72hrs @ -70° F: No effect
- 72 hrs @160° F: Max 0.012" shrinkage from edge
- 150 Feet Rolls